
The Abundance

Oracle Cards.

Always having had a fascination with 'cards' from a young age. Even playing cards intrigued me and for hours I would play with them as a child and wonder what story they were telling. Instinctively I knew there was more than 'random disorder' to how they fell next to each other.

This continued as I got older and while the traditional tarot was my first port of call, the magic of Oracle Cards without the heaviness  of the tarot called to me more. You can discover more about how The Abundance Cards birthed on The Deck page!

In a universe of synchronicity and balance, where everything is in place at the exact time it needs to be, the idea of Oracle Cards as advisors, as guides of what could be and what is, didn't seem far fetched to me.

Revealing what you can't see, what you are avoiding, what you need to see; The Abundance Oracle Cards take you on an adventure to the depth of your soul wisdom giving you the clues, support and insights to change your money story, and your perception and perspective on abundance.

Some people use The Abundance Oracle Cards as daily workouts, and choose a card to work with daily. Some refer to the cards as problem solvers and others to simply stretch themselves. The Abundance Oracle Cards work with you and will always give you what you need.

For those who are developing their heart wisdom and intuitive side, The Abundance Oracle Cards offer a pathway to access insights and wisdom, to connect to the universal mysteries and to work with nature as the Abundance Oracle Cards are based on the elements and universal principles. Annually there is 'Master Abundance Oracle Card Training' for those who want to be initiated into the magic of the Abundance Oracle Cards and qualify to guide others through giving readings...and with the world the way it is more and more people are turning to Oracle readers for the first time. Many are looking for that existential wisdom and realising there is more to everything than the eye can see!

And if you join the community, see below where you can, you will hear when I open up for offering readings and other magical things and it is a brilliant way to stay in touch and have your inbox filled with the kinda emails you wanna read!

My desire for you is that you realise your dreams, that you find your point of fearlessness and enjoy the journey with all the support and love you allow yourself to have. 

Enjoy the cards, whether you get your own deck or simply fill up on the magic I share here, there is something for everyone who wants to be on that abundance adventure that life was designed to be!

Discover the Abundance Oracle Cards ...

July 22, 2020


June 21, 2020


March 10, 2020


They Say

Maria Antoniou

I use Sarupa's cards alongside my tarot cards to add an extra layer to my readings. They often show me where I've been blocking abundance and what I have to do to clear this and realign. They are nice little cards that fit in my hands and the design is very pretty. Love the gold edges, the card backs and overall energy of this deck.

Lesley Fraser

The cards were exactly what I needed to see. You new exactly how to share the messages a great balance of empathy and love. Held within those messages were things I hadn't told a living soul. 3 days on I have followed the recommendations & addressed the things I'd been avoiding. My life's already started to change for the better with renewed clarity. I would 100% recommend Sarupa's Abundance Oracle Card readings.
